Archives Live Energy Healing

  • July 2021

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Minute: 0-2 min


Minute: 2-11

Katharina gives an overview on what to expect in this healing, and what it means to "Transcend Duality". 

Minute: 11:37:45
Katharina will help you by first cleansing your energy system and then bring together two opposing energies in order for you to be able to transcend whatever topic you are working with. 

Minute 45-50

Katharina is doing a group intention with you to help Patricia´s mum heal from back pain and from traumatic childhood memories.

Minute: 50-1:00:00

Katharina reads the submitted comments and answers questions related to the energy healing session.

  • June 2021

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Minute: 0-2 min


Minute: 2-6:29

Katharina gives an overview on what to expect in this healing. You will first be able to release thoughts and feelings about not being good enough, and then Katharina will help you to connect to the energy of "true self-confidence". 

Minute: 6:29-32:12
Katharina will help you to clear self-doubt, and help you to connect to God, Universe or the Creator so that you can step into the energy of "true self-confdience". 

Minute 32:12-41:07

Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Minute: 41:07-52:00

Katharina reads the submitted comments and answers questions related to the energy healing session.

  • May 2021

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Minute: 0:00-35:20

Katharina talks about why the root chakra is so important for your physical body and your emotional well-being. Katharina will help you to release fears that you hold in the root chakra and then show you how you can fully activate it. 

Minute: 35:20-41:00
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Minute 41:00-1:01:58

Katharina reads the submitted comments and answers questions related to the energy healing session.

  • April 2021

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Minute: 0-2

Intro music

Minute: 2:00-4:50

Katharina talks gives you a summary on what to expect in the group healing and how you can use "the Butterfly Hug" to anchor positive feelings and emotions into your energy system.

Minute 4:40-24:20

Receive and energy clearing to prepare for the next step.

Minute: 24:20-37:05

Katharina guides you through a visualization technique that shows you how you can step into your light. Use this technique to anchor the feelings and emotions into your energy system that you want and that represent your new state of Being.

Minute: 37:05-42:00
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Minute 42:00-51:58

Katharina reads the submitted comments and answers questions related to the energy healing session.

  • March 2021

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Minute: 0-8:00
Katharina talks about why acceptance is such a powerful method to align yourself with the energy of the Universe. She also explains what the difference between acceptance and surrender is and how you can work with these energies.

Minute: 8:00-

Receive an energy healing that will help you to accept and surrender to what you are holding onto. You will feel a shift in your body and your energy system, which will help to shift the energies. 

Minute: 37:26-45:53
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Minute 45:53-59:10

Katharina reads the submitted comments and answers questions related to the energy healing session.

  • February 2021

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Minute: 0-8:00
Katharina talks about why acceptance is such a powerful method to align yourself with the energy of the Universe. She also explains what the difference between acceptance and surrender is and how you can work with these energies.

Minute: 8:00-

Receive an energy healing that will help you to accept and surrender to what you are holding onto. You will feel a shift in your body and your energy system, which will help to shift the energies. 

Minute: 37:26-45:53
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Minute 45:53-59:10

Katharina reads the submitted comments and answers questions related to the energy healing session.

  • January 2021

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Minute: 0-2

Minute: 2-7:10:05
Katharina will help you to understand that in order to bring in something new, you need to be able to let go of the old.

Minute: 10:05-47:38

Receive an energy healing and learn a technique how you can effectively let go of old energies and allow the new energies to come into your body.

Minute: 47:38-1:00:26
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

  • December 2020
  • November 2020

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Minute: 0-2

Minute: 2-7:10
Katharina will help you to align with the Universe and with the Earth. Only when you have both energies running through your body, are you in real and total alignment. Once you are aligned, life becomes much easier and you are more able to know what the Universe wants from you.

Minute: 7:10-31:30

Receive an energy healing that will help you to connect with the Universe and the Earth through the golden light. Katharina will also give you some time to receive intuitive guidance and answers.

Minute: 31:30-43:08
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Questions and Answers

Minute: 43:08-50:47
Katharina answers this question: “I started an online beauty business earlier this year and I would love for my business to start generating successful sales on a daily basis so that I can be 100% self employed. Could you please tell me the energy that surrounds me and my business and what improvement can I make now on an energetic level”. Regards Zilliah

Minute: 50:47-52:32
Katharina answers: “I tried the Chakra tapping exercise and it worked well when I did a round on anger. However, after the anger dissipated I suddenly felt sad. Is this normal and what can I do the next time this happens? Thanks so much"  Barbara

Minute: 52:32-1:00:00
Katharina answers: “I have issues with expressing myself and sometimes I struggle for finding the correct words. Can you please take a look into my energy system and tell me if I have a blockage somewhere? Are my chakras misalgined? Thank you so much!” Ben

Minute: 1:00:00-1:07:32
Katharina answers “I am getting overwhelmed and scared with everything that is going on in the world, and especially with the Corona virus. How can I stay within my own energy, and not take on fears from others? Thank you for your help! "Meg!

  • October 2020

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Please note: Katharina apologizes as there were issues with the audio quality in this video. We will make sure it doesn’t happen again next time!

Minute: 0-5:44
In this video, Katharina will help you to activate and open your third eye, so that you can become more intuitive. She talks about the physical equivalent of the third eye, which is the pineal gland and how to activate your inner light. The monthly meditation that follows the current theme is the “I am intuitive” guided meditation.

Minute: 5:44-36:15
Receive an energy healing that will help you activate your third eye and the pineal gland.

Minute: 36:15-44:30
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!
Questions and Answers

Minute: 44:30-49:57
Katharina answers this question: “I feel like my third eye is blocked because I am having a hard time visualizing and my intuition is not that good. Can you please take a look at the root cause and what I can do to open the third eye? Much love, Ben”

Minute: 49:57-54:41
Katharina answers: “I was hoping to get some clarity as I'm struggling to get to sleep each night and sometimes not going to sleep until 7 or 8 the next morning. It's been progressively getting worse and I'm barely functioning during the day. Do you have any advice for me? Thanks so much, Becky”

Minute: 54:41-59:48
Katharina answers: “Hi Katharina, Can you please discuss possible energetics behind anemia - or not absorbing iron from food/supplements? I have struggled to keep adequate iron stores for over a decade despite a nutrient rich diet. You have my permission to look into it if you are able to. Thanks so much! Lia”

Minute: 59:48-1:05:48
Katharina answers: “3.I feel like I am energetically out of alignment, what suggestions do you have to help get energy flowing and increase productivity? Teresa”

Minute: 1:05:48-1:11:50
“Katharina answers” I have a dentist appointment for a long procedure and am more anxious than usual. Fears arise as to how to sit through this. I began to listen to your meditation "I am Trusting." Other meditations for relaxation. Trying to release built up tension through movement. Trying to assure myself that I am safe in the present. To relax....Which chakra could I focus on prior to this appointment? My intuition would say root.... Any other ideas?”

  • September 2020

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Minute 0-5:00
Katharina talks about the importance of loving yourself and how our mind and our negative thoughts keep us from feeling our true essence. Love is at the core of who you are and when you remove the barriers that stand in your way, love will become the natural feeling that emanates from your heart.

Minute: 5:00-27:24
Receive an energy Healing that will help you to remove the barriers to loving yourself.

Minute: 27:24-34:58
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”. When you intent something positive for others, you will benefit as well!

Questions and Answers

Minute: 34:58-39:46
Katharina answers the question: “How do we know if a dream is prophetic/guiding or just our fears and/or subconscious desires and projections? Sometimes I feel I'm getting good guidance and wisdom from my dreams. Other times I feel they are playing out my fears and make them worse because then I think they are predicting the very future I fear”

Minute: 39:46-47:07
Katharina shares intuitive insights in regards to this message: “I have a question about my finances. I've been trying to manifest more money into life via my business but I noticed that I can manifest other things but when it comes to money for whatever reason, this area seems to be a bit of a challenge. Could you please let me know what is going on in my energy that is preventing this?” Please note: The wrong slide was shown in the video but Katharina answers the above question.

Minute: 47:07-53:03
Katharina answers this question: “Hi Katharina, I would like to know what I can do about limiting patterns that keep holding me back in life but yet I feel powerless to change them. I feel like I am constantly sabotaging myself with feelings of overwhelm and anxiety”

Minute: 53:03-1:03:17

Katharina answers this question: “I've been getting in touch with my inner children and when the one who is about 12-15 speaks up, she's angry and resistant. She yells at me and tells me what a bad job I'm doing taking care of us. I want to let go of this feeling of victimhood and I also want to honor her feelings. I feel stuck in feeling mopey - whenever this sadness arises, it feels like it's going to last forever. People always say "just feel it - let is pass through you" and this is really annoying to hear. I don't want to feel it! I deserve to feel the light shine from me. I feel purposeless and lost while also feeling like I’m going through a dark night of the soul and that I’m learning to let go and let God lead me. Can you offer any insight, clearing or guidance?."

Minute: 1:03:17-1:06:16
Katharina answers this question: “My question relates to a current bout with insomnia. I have been lucky to not have experienced this in the past, my 6 or 7 hours always seemed to be enough. Even 5! I thought my sleeplessnes was related to the full moon, but it has continued since September 1. I got 3 hours again last night, and am feeling desperate. Oh, I had the corona virus in July, but I don't think it relates to that. And, I wake up at around 3 am most nights. Thank you for any insights.”

Minute: 1:06:16-1:11:01
Katharina answers this question: “Hi Dr. Katharina. The events happening around the world is making me fearful and very anxious. I am afraid that I won't be able to protect my son and it breaks my heart.”

Minute: 1:11:01-1:15:37
Katharina answers this question: “Hello Katharina, A recent Akashic Records reading revealed I have several lifetimes taking on the role of the abused, including this present lifetime. Could you look to see what specific events or traumas, past lives or present, concerning my self-worth are needed for me to be removed?”

  • August 2020

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Minute 0-17:40
Katharina shares the mission of Soulfamily, and how we as a global family are going through a big consciousness shift. She explains why YOU play a big part in the global awakening and that you are needed. Katharina shares what is going on energetically in the world and how the polarities are intensifying but that this is a much needed process so that we can become whole again. Since this process can be frightening, it is important to bring in the energy of trust. Katharina also mentions the audio meditation of the month that follows the current theme, which can be found in the shop and is called “I am trusting”.

Minute: 17:41-41:21
Receive an energy Healing that will help you to cleanse your energy field and keep your energetic boundaries strong. Katharina is helping you to release an issue that has been bothering you, and channels the energy of “trust” into your body. Katharina also shares a message from your spirit guides for you.

Minute: 41:21-48:38
Katharina is doing a group intention with you “to raise the consciousness of our planet and for all Beings to be happy, healthy and free”.

Questions and Answers

Minute: 48:39-53:05
Katharina answers the question: “How can I get to a place of wanting to take part in life, as I feel there is nothing for me”

Minute: 54:15-1:00:13
Katharina shares intuitive insights in regards to this message: “Hi Katharina. I'm so excited to join on Saturday. My situation is quite challenging. I have early childhood trauma from my home life. And two episodes of dissociation from bullying. One was sexual and happened when I was very young 6-13. The other was bullying at boarding school from 11-18. I have flashbacks almost all day and nightmares at night. Your ancestral healing was incredibly powerful for me, as was your healing a while ago on the nervous and immune system. I'm not sure what to ask so I wanted to tell you my story so that you have some information about me. Thank you for creating Soulfamily. I am so grateful to be here.”

Minute: 1:00:14-1:05:12
Katharina answers this question: “I am on a spiritual journey, and feel totally misunderstood by my husband. He thinks it is a waste of time and I should rather focus on making more money. I feel alone and often angry. What do you suggest?

Minute: 1:05:13-1:10:50
Katharina answers this question: “I am an empath and often feel guilty because I like to spend a lot of time by myself. While I enjoy it I am often sad because it seems like the world is such a harsh place. I am just not sure how I fit in. It would be great if you could share your thoughts on this topic."