When listening to the audio recording imagine the healing is taking place right now. Everything is recorded in the cosmic web of life and the healing energy comes from a higher source, and thus is outside of time. By listening to the recording you are connecting to the energy healing field, and you will receive the healing.
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Chakra Cleansing
Use this audio to cleanse your chakra and aura from negative energies. Katharina will also show you how to run the "Cosmic" and "Earth-loop" through your body in order to recharge your batteries.
Stress Relief
Feeling stressed, tired and overwhelmed? Let Katharina help you to let go of tension and stress using this audio.
Healing Anxiety
Get an energy healing for anxiety that will calm your nervous system. Katharina will also share with you how a typical energetic reading looks like for someone who struggles with anxiety, and then teach you energetic tools that you can use for yourself to help your body heal.
Healing the Broken Heart
Use this energy healing if you have experienced recent heartbreak. Katharina will focus mostly on the heart chakra to help you heal and open it up again.
Healing the Time in the Womb
This energy healing is very important as it will help you to release so- called "negative energies" from the time you were in your mother´s womb. These are the first energetic imprints that inform your nervous system, and that can make you feel anxious, depressed or distrusting. Clearing them will help you feel more relaxed and safe in your body.
Healing Low Self-Esteem and Never Feeling Good Enough
This is one of the most requested topics as "not feeling good enough" is prevalent in our society. Use this energy healing to cleanse yourself from negative thoughts, feelings and emotions toward your own self worth. Keep listening to the recording until you can sense a shift in how you feel about yourself.
Learning to Forgive
Katharina will share with you how you can learn to forgive. You will also get a powerful energy healing that will help you to let go of the past and step into a new energy. Katharina will also teach you how you can send healing energies to others.
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
Katharina will talk about the Empath-Narcissistic connection. Why their energies match so well and how they are each deeply wounded at the core. Understanding how the energies run will help you to free yourself from such a relationship, and help you heal on a deep level.
Healing Sadness and Depression
Get an energy healing for anxiety that will calm your nervous system. Katharina will also share with you how a typical energetic reading looks like for someone who struggles with anxiety, and then teach you energetic tools that you can use for yourself to help your body heal.
The Power of Saying "No": Setting Healthy Boundaries
Learn why especially Empaths and sensitive people often have issues with healthy boundaries. This problem often stems from childhood when your boundaries were not respected, or you had to be on the look-out for danger. Being able to comfortably say "no" will not only help you prevent from being drained and overexerting yourself, it will also empower you to make your own decisions.
Healing Shame
Shame is an energy that carries a very low vibration. Usually, this energy is held in the second chakra. Shame makes you want to hide from other's and the world. Katharina will give you a powerful healing to release you from this energy to raise your energetic vibration.
Healing Resentment
Holding resentment towards another person or an event keeps you energetically tied to the past. Learning to release resentment will set yourself free and allow you to create new experiences for yourself.
Healing from Loss
Loosing a relationship, a job or someone you love deeply can feel like your heart got ripped out. This is because the energy of loss is held within the heart chakra. Katharina will focus on healing your heart and will also teach you how you can direct healing energies to others in need.
Healing Chronic Physical Pain
Receive an energy healing for any part of your body that is in chronic pain. Katharina will explain the connection between emotional and physical pain and you will receive a healing to ease you discomfort. Use this audio as often as needed to reduce your pain levels.
Using the Power of Your Mind to Help You Heal
Learn about the power of your own mind and it's connection to your emotions and immune system. Katharina will guide you through an exercise to help you utilize the full power of your mind to help you heal.
Energy Cleansing with Organ Cleanse
Get an energy healing to not only cleanse your energy center but also your internal organs. Each organ carries a unique vibration and also stores specific emotions. Katharina will help you to let go of old energies that do not serve you anymore, and give your physical body an energetic boost.