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#18 How to Cleanse Your Aura and Chakra Energetically
What You Will Learn in this EpisodeIn this episode, I’ll share the transformative practice of energetically cleansing your aura and[...]
#17: Breaking Free: Overcoming the ‘I’m Not Good Enough’ Belief
What You Will Learn in this EpisodeBeliefs determine how you view yourself, the world, and other people. They determine your[...]
[Video] Free Energy Healing to Connect to Your Soul
In this video, you will receive an energy clearing along with a strengthening of your throat chakra. Your throat chakra[...]
#16: Mastering Conflict Resolution: The Energetic Approach
What You Will Learn in this EpisodeIn the world of interpersonal relationships, conflicts are an inevitable part of life. Whether[...]
#15: The Incredible Health Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen
What You Will Learn in this EpisodeI am very excited to introduce you to the incredible health benefits of molecular[...]
#14:How to Harness the Healing Powers of Trees
Subscribe to the PodcastListen onApple PodcastListen onPodbeanListen onSpotifyListen onGoogle PodcastsListen onCastboxListen onStitcher RadioWhat You Will Learn in this EpisodeIn our[...]