The Challenges of Being Sensitive
When you are a sensitive person, you know that life can often feel overwhelming: Too many people to meet, too much information to process, too much emotional and energetic turmoil to deal with. You don’t know how you can make it through the day as your system goes into survival mode. You have so many things to do but all you want is to shut the door, curl up in bed and be alone.
You feel utterly exhausted and you feel disconnected from yourself. Sometimes you might even suffer from anxiety or depression. You feel different as “everything gets to you” and you wished you would be “stronger” and not be so affected by other people’s energies and emotions.
This scenario happens to a lot of people whose energy system is hyper-sensitive and thus feel easily energetically overwhelmed. Due to your unique energetic make up, your energetic boundaries are sensitive and open, which can lead to you “taking on” other peoples unresolved emotions.
Unconsciously you are processing other people’s issues, which lead to you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and tired. Sometimes it can even go as far as feeling like you are becoming crazy because your system cannot cope anymore.
Worse, no one can relate to you and your situation and you might feel utterly alone because you have no one to talk to who will understand. You would like to be more resilient and enjoy life more but staying grounded and positive in the midst of chaos feels almost impossible.
You Have a Special Gift
While this is difficult, being sensitive and empathic to other people is also a gift. It helps you to easily empathize with others, you are quick to assess a situation emotionally and you know how other people feel instantly without needing to talk about it. Your emotional IQ is very high and you are also very intuitive and creative.
In order to be able to draw upon your strengths, it’s important for you to understand that you can learn to strengthen and protect your energy system so that you can stop energetic overwhelm, increase your energy levels and feel better within your own skin.
I have been working as a medical intuitive for almost ten years and after doing thousands of energy readings and healings, I have learned that sensitive people have a very unique energetic make up, which needs special attention and care.
When you learn to cleanse and strengthen your energy system, you will not only increase your energy levels but overall feel better quickly.
Your Energy System
Your energy system consists of the energy around your body, which is called “aura” and the main energy centers, which are called “chakras”. The energy of the aura is shaped around your body and ideally protects your energy field by creating an energetic “buffer” between you and other people. If it is vibrant and strong, you will feel healthy and energized, ready to take on the world.
For sensitive people, the aura is often thin and “open” and like an antenna it constantly scans its surrounding. A thin aura tends to “take on” other people’s energies if you are not careful and learn how to energetically cleanse it regularly.
The energetic centers in your body give life force energy to the surrounding organs and keep you healthy and strong if they are clear and without energetic blocks.
If you are easily energetically overwhelmed, you might have an imbalance in your chakras – mainly in the root chakra, which is located at the end of the spine and which connects you to the Earth. If this chakra is energetically weak, you often feel ungrounded, sometimes even “spaced out” and this can lead easily to energetic overwhelm by not inhabiting your body fully.
The good news is that with a few simple cleansing methods, you can learn to easily strengthen and protect your energy field, thus making you more resilient to other people’s energies.
You will become energetically stronger and will have more energy available to enjoy your life and do the things you love.
5 Tips to Cleanse Your Aura and Chakras to Increase Your Energy and Stop Overwhelm
Take a Sea Salt Shower or Bath
One of my favorite ways to make sure my energy system is clear and cleansed is to simply take a shower with sea salt. Rub the salt into your skin while setting the intention to cleanse your aura, washing away anything that does not belong to you.
By using your intention, your consciousness directs the energy where it needs to go. You can also take a bath with sea salt. Simply add 4 cups of sea salt to the water and soak for 20 minutes. This simple method works like a charm and I guarantee you, you will feel better quickly. Since sea salt is such a good natural cleansing agent, I think this is the reason why so many people love swimming in the ocean. It’s a natural aura cleanse.
One of my favorite ways to make sure my energy system is clear and cleansed is to simply take a shower with sea salt. Rub the salt into your skin while setting the intention to cleanse your aura, washing away anything that does not belong to you. By using your intention, your consciousness directs the energy where it needs to go.
You can also take a bath with sea salt. Simply add 4 cups of sea salt to the water and soak for 20 minutes. This simple method works like a charm and I guarantee you, you will feel better quickly. Since sea salt is such a good natural cleansing agent, I think this is the reason why so many people love swimming in the ocean. It’s a natural aura cleanse.
2. Visualize the Magical Waterfall
If you cannot take a shower right away after interacting with stressful and energetically draining people or a situation, I suggest you practice the “magical waterfall” visualization. It’s another one of my favorite ways to quickly cleanse my energy system.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and simply imagine standing under a magical waterfall, which washes away any energies and impurities that don’t belong to you. See and feel the warm water falling down onto your head, shoulders and running over your body until everything is washed away, leaving you energized and cleansed.
If you are new to visualization, it’s important for you to know that you don’t have to necessarily “see” everything clearly in your mind’s eye for it to work. Just practice this visualization a few times and it will soon become second nature to you.
3. Visualize a Protective Field around You
This is another simple, yet powerful exercise, which will strengthen your protective boundaries. However, before doing this visualization I strongly suggest you first cleanse your energy system as you don’t want to “trap” energetic impurities in your system. Do this visualization when you are around lots of people, you are about to go into a particularly stressful situation or simply to increase your energetic and emotional resilience over time.
Take a few minutes and close your eyes. Now try to feel and sense your aura. Again, this might be hard to do in the beginning but with a little bit of practice it will become easier. Try to sense where your energetic boundaries end. Sometimes, your aura can be so open that it almost fills up the entire room. Sometimes it is much closer to the body.
What you want to do is to visualize and imagine your energetic boundaries stretching outward a few inches around your body. Once you can feel or sense it, visualize the energy around your body as dense and of a protective color. I have found that dark blue and purple are especially protective and work really well but you can play with it. Go with your instincts and intuition and use whatever color works best for you. You want to train yourself in such a way that you can quickly and easily visualize the color around you so that you can quickly protect your energy field when you need it the most.
4. Walk Barefoot in Nature
The root chakra, which is located at the end of your spine and which connects you into the Earth gives you a feeling of safety and protection when it’s energetically strong. The quickest and easiest way to strengthen it is to simply take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the Earth.
The Earth’s natural energy field is called “Schumann Resonance” and oscillates at 7.83 Hz. This is the energetic frequency your body thrives on and by making contact with it, your body and your energy centers will naturally go into a state of harmony and equilibrium.
5. Strengthen Your Root Chakra
If you don’t have the opportunity to walk barefoot in nature, the next best thing is to take your shoes off (you can do this inside your apartment), put your feet on the ground and visualize a grounding cord from the soles of your feet right into the Earth’s center.
Do this for a few minutes until you feel more grounded and more at home within your body. Being grounding in your body is a natural protection against other people’s energetic influence.
Practicing these 5 simple, yet highly effective tips will help you to become energetically stronger and feel less overwhelmed.
Much love!
PS: I have put together a Free Healing Meditation Audio, which will help you increase your energy levels, strengthen your energetic boundaries and cleanse your energy system. This audio is recorded with “brainwave entrainment” technology, which helps you to get into a meditative state quickly, even if you have zero meditation experience. Just click on the link below to get immediate access.