How to Cut Energy Cords

How to Cut Energy Cords

Knowing how to cut energy cords is an essential skill, especially if you have a person in your life that constantly drains you of energy.

Maybe in your work you have to deal with lots of people who constantly want something from you and at the end of the day you just want to go home to bed and be alone?

I totally get it as I used to be like this!

People who I had never met before would come up to me and tell me their (mostly dramatic) life story. They would go on and on with no end to the drama and basically dump their unresolved energetic stuff onto me.

These people were actually not interested in practical advice or solutions let alone changing something. All they wanted was to purge their emotions and energies onto someone (like me) who would just take it all in.

At that point in my life, I had no idea what was energetically happening to me and I would just sit and listen compassionately. At the end of the conversation I usually would end up feeling completely exhausted. I remember often feeling like a dark cloud had suddenly come over me that left me with an indescribable awful feeling. Quiet to the contrary of my “conversation” partner. He usually would leave energized and with a smile on his face. But I was completely exhausted and tired.

I know that a lot of my clients are facing the same issue. Especially sensitive women like you and me. Now while I am not saying you should not listen to a friend in need, I am suggesting you learn to become aware of your own energetic boundaries and know what to do in such cases.

Energetic exchange between two people

We human beings not only interact energetically through our auric field, which is the energy around our bodies, but we also exchange energies through invisible energetic cords.

You might already know that I am a medical intuitive who can intuitively see these cords and let me tell you, it is really interesting to observe them in action.

The ideal case is if you love someone and that person mutually loves you back. This does not need to be a romantic partnership as it also happens between friends. In such a case, you exchange energy that runs from your heart chakra into the heart chakra of your friend, and vice versa.

When this happens, both of you feel good, energized and you have exchanged meaningful energies on the heart level.

But in the case where you feel exhausted and drained the picture is entirely different.

In such a case, the person robbing you of energy unconsciously plugs his energetic cord from his Solar Plexus Chakra (which is right over the stomach) into yours and literally drains the life force out of you.

That’s the reason why you will end up feeling awful and tired and the other person energized and happy.

Sometimes it even goes further: When the person you speak to carries a lot of unresolved issues, he can also energetically transfer them right into your Solar Plexus Chakra if you are not careful. Then you can end up feeling angry or upset for no reason other than it was not your energy to begin with!

The result is often intense fatigue and confusion.

To prevent this from happening, the following is what I suggest you do. 

How to Cut Energy Cords with these Simple Techniques

First, it’s crucial you train yourself to become aware what happens energetically when you interact with another person. Start by simply noticing how you feel before, during and after the conversation. Do you feel energized, or are you drained, fatigued and confused?

Next time you interact with someone and you notice that something is not right, you need to take immediate energetic measures to not leak energy to the other person, or take on unresolved issues that are not yours.

Protect Your Solar Plexus Chakra

• To energetically protect your Solar Plexus Chakra simply put one hand over your stomach area, where this chakra is located.

• Set the firm intention (you can do so silently in your head) to not allow any more energetic exchange on this level with the other person.

Cut the Energy Cord

• Next, move one of your hands with an up and downward motion over your Solar Plexus. Visualize “chopping” the cord and by doing so, you are breaking the flow of energy to the other person. Again, set the firm intention to break this cord now for good.

When you learn to take control of your own energy, life becomes more fun. Unnecessary drama will go away. People who have previously drained your energy will not be attracted to you anymore. It’s that simple.

Cleanse Yourself Energetically

In the case you that you took on unwanted energies from the other person, visualize yourself standing under a waterfall that cleanses you from everything that is not yours.

This has worked wonders for me and for many of my clients. It has been years since I have left a conversation like this feeling drained. If you need help, I suggest you book a Rapid Emotional Clearing session!

So try out these simple but powerful techniques and let me know in the comments below how you liked them.

Much love!

The Amazing Energy Cure

Discover how to get your energy back!


chakra, energy healing, energy medicine, enrgy medicine, healing

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