In this article, I want to share with you a wonderful healing technique that is quite simple, but also very powerful.
Its power is demonstrated in the well documented story of Dr. Hew Len, a doctor who healed 300 mentally ill and very dangerous criminals, in the 1980’s.
Dr. Len was appointed to work at the Hawaii State Hospital, a hospital for the most dangerous and mentally ill criminals. The inmates had committed horrible crimes, including murder, rape and kidnapping. They were considered so dangerous that they spent most of their time in shackles. No nurse would be safe getting close to them and there were frequent attacks on other inmates and the hospital staff. Many people who worked there were on sick leave most of the time and the building was falling apart. In short, it was one of the worst places you can possibly imagine.
Everything changed when Dr. Len started to work there. To the surprise of the hospital staff, Dr. Len did not work with the inmates directly. In fact, he never saw them. All he did was to sit in his office while every once in a while, asking for documents and pictures of the inmates.
And then slowly but surely things started to change. The inmates became calmer and the amount of heavy pharmacological drugs was reduced. The staff felt safe now to remove many of the shackles. One by one, the criminals became more peaceful and calm. Within three years most of them could be safely released. The few who were left were relocated to another hospital.
In the end, the hospital closed.
How did Dr. Len heal over 300 people without ever seeing or interacting with them directly? The secret lies in an ancient Hawaiian healing technique called “Ho’oponopono”.
Using this technique, Dr. Len repeated four sentences over and over:
“I am sorry”
“Please forgive me.”
“I love you.”
“Thank you.”
Now, before you think: “Wait a minute, Katharina, this makes absolutely no sense,” hear me out:
For the logical thinking mind, that is rooted in a materialistic world view where people and things are viewed as intrinsically separate from each other, it does indeed make no sense.
However, when you see the world through the eyes of “oneness”, connection, and interrelation, it begins to make perfect sense.
In my life thus far, I have been fortunate enough to have experiences in which the “veil” of separation has temporarily lifted. You can call it a spiritual awakening experience. During these times, I experienced myself not as the little “me”, but being part of a Being that gives life to all forms. This is life itself. The nature of this Being is that it underlies each and every one of us. It’s the driving force behind everything that exists. The miraculous revelation to me was that I was that Being, and that there is only one Being that exists.

Please understand that the “I” that I am talking about here has nothing to do with me as a person. The “I” is the Being itself and of course, it also exists within you. In fact, you are that one Being.
This is what all great mystics have been talking about for millennia and only when you experience it for yourself do you know without a shadow of a doubt that it is the truth.
Back to the story of Dr. Len.
When he said the four sentences to heal the inmates, he also did something else: From an understanding that everything is interrelated, and “one”, he said the words and felt the energies of each sentence.
In fact, he was taking full responsibility for having created the situation of the prisoners within himself. Not himself as a person, but himself as the one Being.
By doing so, he started to heal and change from within.
Because in reality nothing is truly separate, the changes and healing that took place in Dr. Len were mirrored by the prisoners, who also started to heal.
In other words, the one Being, which was expressed through Dr. Len, had changed. This one Being then expressed this change through the healing of the criminals, even though Dr. Len never saw nor had contact with them whatsoever.
Ho’oponopono is such a powerful technique that I am hoping you will try it out for yourself.
Here are the instructions.
Think about an area in your life that you want to heal. This could be a relationship, a situation you are finding yourself in, a physical ailment or anything else. As Dr. Len did, you can even use this ancient healing technique to heal someone else.
Say the first sentence out loud (or think it):
“I am sorry.”
Say the sentence with an understanding that somehow, you have created the problem. There is no guilt or blame involved, it was just something that arose from unconscious, wrong thinking or from improper action. Feel the energy of the sentence within you.
“Please forgive me.”
Here you are addressing the one Being. You ask for its forgiveness of your wrongdoing. You are also asking to forgive yourself.
“I love you.”
You are speaking to the one Being and to yourself (Remember, it’s the same thing!). By returning to love, you are getting back to a place of wholeness from which all healing arises.
“Thank You.”
You are assuming that everything has been forgiven and that the healing you are asking for has already taken place. Take some time to allow yourself to really feel into the energy of it.
That’s it!
I have done Ho’oponopono for myself and for others many times and it never ceases to amaze me how dense energies start to lift and healing on many levels takes place once you use this powerful technique.
Keep in mind when you work with this technique, to not just say the sentences once but to stick with them for some time. 20 minutes a day is great, or maybe 5 minutes multiple times a day. Some people also prefer to use it for an hour at a time. Whatever works for you.
If your mind is spinning now and you are still skeptical, that is fine. Just try it out and see for yourself what happens.
I would love to hear about your experience. Please share it in the comments below or ask a question, and I will write back.
Much love!

Well, I tried Hoʻoponopono for month s, even with sun blue bottle water. Did nothing for me. I probably have some blockage as EFT and energy healing with practitioners did nothing. They can’t find the blockages.
Hi Barry,
Have you tried really getting into the feeling of each sentence?
This is really the trick because you don`t want to just say these sentences in your mind, but really feel the energy of it.
Regarding your energy blocks: Most people have some type of blockages. You could even use this healing technique to work on your blocks in order to release them. Sometimes it is not necessary to exactly know what they are and where they stem from.
Hope this helps!
very good for peace and to regain energy
Great to hear Satish you are finding it helpful!
I would like to tell about ho’oponopono, Dr. Hew Len and about Morrnah Simeona.
Please let me share this:
Dr Hew Len published incorrect information about ho’oponopono, and about his story about Hawaii State Hospital and his job there. Dr. Hew Len says in several interviews, articles, and in the book “Zero Limits” he healed his patients with a mantra (im sorry, please forgive me, i love you, thank you.). Thats incorrect, this are fake news. The whole world believes this things…
Michael Micklei knows Dr. Hew Len already at the time while Dr. Hew Len worked in the Hawaii state Hospital in the 1980s. Michael Micklei and Dr. Hew Len gave togehter Ho’oponopono Seminars. Morrnah Simeona (1913 – 1992) was a native hawaiian kahuna. Michael Micklei accompanied Morrnah much time. He worked with Morrnah around 5 years together. Morrnah lived in Michael Mickleis and Yvettes home in Germany. Michael Micklei translated Morrnah’s 14-step ho’oponopono to german. He has been authorized to do so by Morrnah Simeona.
Michael Micklei says, that Dr. Hew Len have in the Hawaii state Hospital his patients healed with Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono-Process. Never with a mantra.
Morrnah Simeona adapted the traditional Ho’oponopono to today’s times and realities. She has developed a 14-step process. This is a modern version of the traditional Ho’oponopono process. Morrnah has founded the “Pacifica Seminars” in the 1970s and then the “Foundation of I” to spread her 14-step ho’oponopono around the world. She made it possible for all people to solve their problems with her 14-Step Ho’oponopono.
In september 1990, Morrnah and Yvette Mauri founded the “Pacifica Seminars” in Germany (see Pacifica Seminars Europe is the only organization in Europe, where you can learn Morrnah’s original Ho’oponopono-process today. In Hawaii, Ramsay Taum also spreads the Ho’oponopono-process of Morrnah.
Please let me share a comment of Michael Micklei. He says in a comment to an another person:
“Aloha xxx,
one can clearly see that you love ho’oponopono. My wife and me and many people in Germany do it also. But let me share some knowledge I am aware about Dr. Len. I was working around 5 years with Morrnah, the last year she lived in our home in Kirchheim nearby Munich, she passed away nearly in my arms. So pls let me share this:
SITH is not a registered TM by Dr. Len or “The Foundation of I”. It is registered in the USA by the Lucas Film several times for the “Lords of SITH”, which are the Lords of Darkness.
Dr. Len never healed in the mentioned hospital by only saying over and over “I love you” and “Thank you” to the “I”, Morrnahs word for the Source, for Divinity. Instead he used Morrnahs 12 (or 14) step process only, twice or three times a day. Every day he walked through the hospital he looked carefully to the patients, the doctors, his feelings. He taped this. And asked Divinity to heal his karmic bondages with these persons and matters. A hard job for three years. Divinity accepted the plea and healed. 2 persons were not healed, as there were no karmic bondages with Dr. Len.
Morrnah gave him this kind of order to do so (and at that time he worked really for the good to help Morrnah for her special spiritual job) and in classes, we both attended between Nov. 86 and later, Dr. Len was always telling in detail at the beginning that he was doing exactly this, nothing else. NO mantra was mentioned, never. At that time, Dr. Len was a student of Morrnah like me, so why and how could he use a quite different way in the hospital – and at the weekend in classes he said the opposite? Morrnah was also complex clairvoyant, she could see and hear everything.
All so called tools of Dr. Len (except 2 or 3) were developped by Dr. Len after 1992, which are only temporarily harmonizing or calming down – NOT cleansing, NOT being any ho’oponopono, as they are not mutual. They are (powerful) magic tools. They are not bad in itsself, but they block people to learn authentic ho’oponoponos – traditional ones or the one of Morrnah. People like those easy magic ways, they really think to heal karmic stuff of hundreds and more reincarnations by 11 words.
It is clearly the good part of Joe Vitale’s job to spread the name of ho’oponopono from the time of “Zero limits” across the world – but the illusion is inclusive: people know the name, but did not hear about the real content of ho’oponopono or even forget it. Pls keep in mind Dr. Len’s words (received by his divinity) in Zero Limits: “I’ve been told to kill the Divine to be home.” To kill the Divine? Well, starting to take him out from the cleansing. This does not seem a path up to the mountain.
mahalo for sharing.”
End of Quote
link to the comment:
Dr. Hew Len never healed with a mantra “i love you, please forgive you, im sorry, thank you.” in Hawaii State Hospital. This mantra is not ho’oponopono, and it is not hawaiian.
Nobody talks about Morrnah’s 14-step Ho’oponopono today. Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono is no longer known to anyone today. Many people were misinformed by Dr. Hew Len and by the Book “Zero Limits” and by another books and organisations. Dr Hew len does not speak about Morrnahs 14-step ho’oponopono-process anymore and he doesen’t speak about he healed his patients with Morrnah’s 14-step ho’oponopono-process in Hawaii State Hospital. The people are misinformed. What reason have Dr. Hew Len to tell this lie? I don’t understand it…
Michael Micklei has written a report about Dr. Hew Len and the healings in Hawaii State Hospital that happend with Morrnah’s 14-step Ho’oponopono. Please let me share this link (is only in german language, please use Google tanslator to translate it):
Please share it and spread this information to another people 🙂 It is in the interests of all people.
Aloha and greetings
Patrice C.
Hi Patrice,
Thank you very much for taking your time and for writing up this long explanation. I am grateful you shared it with me and the community here. I will take a look into it.
Wishing you the very best and thanks again!
Dr Katharina, this is just fantastic, to say the least. I am going to practice it and let you have feedback.
Thanks, a million.
You are very welcome!
Yes, please keep us posted.
Dr. Katharina,
I have been reading your blogs and very much like it and re-read it many times. Thank you for sharing Such a powerful and inspiring things!
I would like to know, in my life throughout, whatever I visualized, whenever I visualized, exactly opposite happened every single time. So for anything good to happen, I have to undergo visualizing me ‘not able to get that thing’ , and then I will ‘actually get that thing’. I know it’s senseless, but really it happens each time. So what I wanted to know is: is this due to negative aura? Or is this due to my chakras/aura attract exactly opposite what I want/think about? How could I overcome this? Please help!
Hi Aparna,
This is interesting. It might be due to negative beliefs, and I don`t think it has anything to do with your aura or chakras. if you strongly believe you will only get what you want if you visualize the opposite, then that`s what is true for you. What you could do is work on your beliefs. For example, your new belief could be: “I get what I want by visualizing it”. To install this new belief, put one hand on your heart chakra and gently rub it in a clockwise motion while thinking about the belief. Do it three times, four times a day for a total of six weeks. The important thing is to go into the feeling of the new belief. This way you are reprogramming your subconscious mind.
Tried it out! I can definitely see myself using this daily and whenever I sense that others need healing. Thank you Dr Katharina 🙂