How to Energetically Help a Sick Loved One

Caring for a sick loved one is one of the hardest challenges in life. Many people who find themselves in this position are often overwhelmed with fear and worry. This is natural as when we are faced with difficulties, our minds often turn toward worst case scenarios. In our mind, we can easily see our loved one getting sicker and sicker and we fear the future and the unknown. This does not have to be the path you choose though. When you care for a loved one, there are a few things that can really make a difference and that will not only help you, but your loved one as well. Here are some strategies to help you cope in this situation:

1. Take Good Care of Yourself!

This is very important and often overlooked, as all your attention is on the person you care for. While this is understandable, remember that you have limited resources of energy available. If you get sick as well, then this will not help you, or your loved one. That is why it is important to have a good strategy for self-care in place: Try to find time for yourself and do not fill this time with to-do lists, but rather do something that gives you energy and that you enjoy. For some this could be a simple activity like reading a good book. For others it might mean spending time with friends or in nature, going to the movies or taking a walk in the park. When you take good care of yourself, you will naturally have more energy available to care for your loved one. One good analogy here is when you board a plane and when the flight attendant reminds you to put on your oxygen mask first, before assisting others. This holds true with your own energy as well, so taking care of yourself is not selfish, but absolutely necessary in this situation.

2. Energetically Heal Your Loved One

Besides caring for the physical and emotional well-being of your loved one, you can also care energetically for her. This is very important and mostly overlooked as many people do not know that it can make a huge difference. When you worry about the state of health of your loved one, you unknowingly put that energy of what you do not want (your loved one getting sicker) onto her. This is because our thoughts are very powerful and that is why we have to be very careful about what we think. Worry is like “negative prayer” as worry is normally preoccupied with the things you fear. When you worry, you hold the vision of your loved one getting sicker in your mind. This has an energy of its own and your loved one will feel it, albeit subconsciously and her body will react. This is like a self-fulfilling prophecy and studies have shown that what one believes about another person, often becomes reality. Our bodies are finely attuned to the thoughts of other people, and the closer you are to one person, the more energetically you are connected and the effects of your thoughts will be stronger on that person. To energetically help your loved one heal, it is important that you hold a vision and intention of your loved one of being perfectly healthy in your mind. In the beginning, this may not be easy to do, but with a bit of practice and patience on your part, it will become easier. Every time you “see” your loved on as healthy, you will energetically help her tremendously. Her body will “pick up” your good intentions and your vision for her healing, and will respond accordingly. This is especially important when you are physically close, but studies have shown that the power of intention is not bound to distance, so it will work even when you in different locations. Many studies on the power of intention have been done, and you can learn more about them here. In a sense, every time you remind yourself of your vision of perfect health for your loved one, you are a healer, who helps your loved on heal. Many blessings, Katharina PS: I would love to hear from you. Please share your questions, insights and thoughts below.  


energy, Health

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